26 Feb 2024 15:56

U.S. includes RusChemAlliance, Novatek-Murmansk, RosGeo in SDN list

MOSCOW. Feb 26 (Interfax) - The United States has included a number of large Russian oil and gas companies in the sanctions list, including RusChemAlliance LLC and Novatek-Murmansk LLC, the U.S. Treasury Department's Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC), which enforces sanctions, said in a statement.

The U.S. has also implemented blocking sanctions against JSC RosGeo and most of its structures, including Zarubezhgeologiya, Polar Marine Geological Exploration Expedition (PMGRE), Siberian Polar Orbiting Geophysical Observatory, Tula Scientific Research and Geological Exploration Enterprise, UranGeo, Russian Petroleum Geological Institute-Geologorazvedka, Russian Petroleum Geological Institute-Ugol, All-Union Scientific Research Institute-Zarubezhgeologiya, and others.

The U.S. has also implemented restrictions against Izhevsk Oil Engineering Plant.

Modern Marine Arctic LNG Transport LLC (SMART LNG), a joint venture between PJSC Sovcomflot and PJSC Novatek , which is the owner and operator of a fleet of gas tankers to support the Arctic LNG 2 project, as well as Novatek's other current and future projects, is also in the sanctions list. Zvezda Shipbuilding Complex LLC, or Zvezda SC, is also in the SDN List.

Gazprom and RusGazDobycha, one of the operators of the project to construct a gas processing and liquefaction complex in Ust-Luga, own RusChemAlliance on a parity basis as a joint venture.

Novatek-Murmansk operates Novatek's large-capacity offshore facilities construction center in the Murmansk Region, where platforms for installing LNG plants are under construction.