6 Feb 2024 13:54

EU's Borrell visiting Kiev, to discuss military, financial support for Ukraine

BRUSSELS. Feb 6 (Interfax) - High Representative of the EU for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell has said he has arrived in Kiev again to discuss the EU's military and financial support for Ukraine with the Ukrainian leadership.

"Here to discuss with our Ukrainian friends the EU's unwavering support to Ukraine - on military side, on the financial side with the new Ukraine facility, as well as on the EU reform path," Borrell wrote on X.

He said this was his fourth visit to Kiev since the start of Russia's special operation in Ukraine.

As announced at an EU summit on February 1, the EU member states agreed to provide Ukraine with up to 50 billion euros in macrofinancial support in 2024-2027.

On Monday, Borrell's spokesperson Peter Stano said details of the EU's macrofinancial and military support for Ukraine would be finalized shortly through discussions between member states.