21 Dec 2023 16:16

Tunisia interested in more Russian grain supplies - FM Lavrov

TUNIS. Dec 21 (Interfax) - Tunisia is interested in having shipments of Russian grain expanded, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Thursday.

"Today, we reaffirmed that we would like the intergovernmental commission, which should resume its work in the first quarter next year, to monitor all these processes and ensure a political incentive wherever necessary," Lavrov said at a press conference in Tunis.

"But an interest in having our grain shipments enlarged is obvious, and the Tunisian president also spoke about this today. As you know, we are prepared for this. Owing both to our hardworking farmers and weather conditions, we've had a record harvest for the second or even the third year in a row, it may be not as large now as last year, and yet it enables us to export almost record amounts like we did last year," Lavrov said.