14 Dec 2023 11:15

Sikorski, Borrell planning to visit Ukraine

MOSCOW. Dec 14 (Interfax) - Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmitry Kuleba has spoken with his new Polish counterpart Radoslaw Sikorski.

"Congratulated him on the appointment. Mr. Sikorski reaffirmed his commitment to further strengthening of Ukrainian-Polish relations, Ukraine's integration with the EU and NATO, and cooperation in other global affairs," Ukrainian media quoted Kuleba as saying on a social network on Wednesday evening.

Kuleba also said they discussed the upcoming EU summit and Sikorski assured him that "Poland will be active at the summit to ensure the adoption of necessary decisions, including the beginning of negotiations on Ukraine's admission to the EU."

"Mr. Sikorski accepted my invitation to visit Ukraine," Kuleba said.

Meanwhile, EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy Josep Borrell is planning to visit Ukraine in early January 2024, media said.

"I am planning to visit Ukraine after Christmas, in January," Ukrainian media quoted Borrell as telling journalists in Brussels.