30 Nov 2023 14:47

Armenian, Azerbaijani deputy PMs agree to intensify meetings of border delimitation commissions - Armenian Foreign Ministry

YEREVAN. Nov 30 (Interfax) - Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan and his Azerbaijani counterpart Shahin Mustafayev agreed at a meeting on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border on Thursday that border delimitation commissions would intensify their meetings.

"The fifth meeting of the commission for state border delimitation and border security between the Republic of Armenia and the Azerbaijani Republic and the state commission for delimitation of the state border between the Azerbaijani Republic and the Republic of Armenia took place at the Azerbaijani-Armenian border on November 30 under the chairmanship of Armenian Deputy Prime Minister Mher Grigoryan and Azerbaijani Deputy Prime Minister Shahin Mustafayev. The sides continued to discuss delimitation issues, alongside a number of organizational and procedural matters," the Armenian Foreign Ministry's press service said.

The sides preliminarily coordinated the text of regulations for the meetings and joint working sessions of the two commissions and agreed to start coordinating the draft regulations for the joint activity of the commissions, it said.

"The sides also agreed to intensify meetings of the commissions and to set the date and venue for the next meeting of the commissions in working order," the press service said.