28 Nov 2023 12:46

Rosatom may start contracting overseas low-power nuclear power plant projects by the end of 2023 - Likhachev

MOSCOW. Nov 28 (Interfax) - Rosatom state nuclear energy corporation may move to contracting foreign low-power nuclear power plant projects by the end of 2023, Rosatom CEO Alexei Likhachev said during a speech at the Primakov Readings.

Likhachev did not specify which projects and countries were being discussed, but later recalled that the company is negotiating with India on low-power nuclear power plant projects.

Rosatom plans to agree with the Indian customer on the technical configuration of the NPP in 2023, and transfer to it a pre-feasibility study for a small station. There are also plans to complete work on a pre-feasibility study for a small station for Myanmar and Kyrgyzstan, as reported in Atomenergoprom's 2022 financial report.

Rosatom previously noted the growing demand for low-power NPPs, as observed worldwide. The presence of reference projects within the country allows Rosatom to conduct active dialogue with foreign customers.