23 Nov 2023 13:52

Gazprom aims to build about 100 LNG complexes along federal highways by 2030

VOLGOGRAD. Nov 23 (Interfax) - Gazprom plans to build about 100 liquefied natural gas (LNG) complexes along Russian highways by 2030 as part of its approved program to build LNG production and sales infrastructure, PJSC Gazprom department head Alexander Mikhailov said.

"Our plans are ambitious. With the efforts of our operators Gazprom Helium Service, Gazprom LNG Technologies and Gazprom Gazomotornoye Toplivo, as well as the efforts of subsidiaries, we plan to create about 100 small-scale LNG complexes, covering 21 federal highways with the possibility of fuelling," Mikhailov said at the PromEnergoVolga 2023 forum in Volgograd on Thursday.

Gazprom expects that by 2030 the implementation of the program will make it possible to drive a vehicle running on LNG from St. Petersburg to Astrakhan, as well as from St. Petersburg to Magnitogorsk, Yekaterinburg and beyond, he said.

It was reported earlier that LNG production in Russia could reach 140 million tonnes by 2035. The implementation of potential LNG projects will enable Russia to almost triple LNG production by 2035 and additionally produce and monetize 2.5 trillion cubic meters of gas by 2040. Furthermore, this will provide about $150 billion of additional investment in the Russian economy by 2030. The draft program highlights more than 10 potential major LNG plants that are at various stages of development.