Blocking of crossings on Ukraine-Poland border threatens food producers - Ukrainian deputy minister
MOSCOW. Nov 20 (Interfax) - Since Ukraine exports more than 70% of its agricultural produce, unhindered access to various transport routes, including automobile ones, via Ukrainian-Polish border crossings is critical both to Ukrainian and Polish producers, Ukrainian media said, citing remarks made by Ukrainian First Deputy Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Taras Vysotsky during the national telethon.
The blocking of border crossings by Polish truckers poses a threat to agricultural exports, Vysotsky said. Some producers are trying to redirect their products to other markets, but it is not always possible.
"Both European and Polish manufacturers of dairy, meat and other products are sustaining losses. It is a completely illogical situation, which is doing harm to both sides," he said.
This is a challenge to the export of Ukrainian foodstuffs, which is dependent on truck transportation, Vysotsky said.
As reported, the lines of trucks waiting in Ukraine to cross the border with Poland stretch up to 40 kilometers as a result of a protest started by Polish truckers at the Yagodin-Dorohusk, Krakovets-Korchova and Rava Ruska - Hrebenne border crossings on November 6.