9 Nov 2023 16:02

Gazprom CEO Miller says reverse flow via Central Asia-Center GTS should rise additionally as of Nov 2025

MOSCOW. Nov 9 (Interfax) - Supplies of Russian gas in reverse mode through the reconstructed Central Asia-Center (CAC) gas transmission system should increase additionally as of November 2025, Gazprom CEO and executive board chairman Alexei Miller said in an interview with the Izvestia publication.

Miller recalled that "the largest strategic project has already begun, and the first stage has been completed" in the gas area between Russia and Kazakhstan.

As reported, Russian gas supplies via CAC to Uzbekistan in reverse mode began in October. The current contract provides for the supply of up to 9 million cubic meters per day. If necessary, Kazakhstan can also receive Russian gas through the pipeline.

"This is actually the second birthday of the Central Asia-Center gas trunkline system. Gas has begun going to Uzbekistan via Kazakhstan. And at the St. Petersburg International Gas Forum three strategic memorandums were signed - with Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan - to expand the Central Asia-Center gas trunkline system, in particular by Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, in order to increase the volume of Russian gas supplies to these countries, and maybe even transit to other countries in the region. Even more ambitious targets have been set for Russian gas volumes through this gas transportation system in reverse mode. The terms of the second stage of reconstruction of the Central Asia - Center gas pipelines are strict: deliveries should start no later than November 1, 2025," Miller said.

He also said that joint discussion are ongoing about the issue of gasification of the northern and northeastern regions of Kazakhstan.

"Kazakhstan is a large country, we have the longest border [with it] and it should be understood that the gas transportation system of Kazakhstan is still represented locally and, of course, it is more efficient to gasify the northern and northeastern regions of Kazakhstan from Russia, from our Russian resource base. We are already currently developing a feasibility analysis, not yet a feasibility study, which will be completed within the next month, which will provide an answer about the technical feasibility of this project and its economic efficiency," Miller said.