18 Oct 2023 16:55

Ukrgazvydobuvannya plans to receive one bcm of gas from new wells in 2023

MOSCOW. Oct 18 (Interfax) - Ukrgazvydobuvannya, the largest gas production company in Ukraine, plans to produce 1 bcm of gas from new wells by the end of this year, Ukrainian media reported, citing the company's press service.

"We have managed to double the drilling of wells compared to last year. This increase, combined with the use of 3D seismic surveys, will allow us to increase gas production from new wells to 1 bcm in 2023, which is the highest figure since Ukraine's independence," Maxim Vityk, director of exploration and development of the company said.

He also clarified that the use of the latest technologies gives a new impetus to the development of gas production in the country, and the company intends to expand the geography of seismic exploration by almost 15,000 sq. km. in the next few years.

"We have completely reformulated the principles of geological exploration. This, in turn, has ensured the high-quality generation of new points for drilling," noted Vityk.

Earlier, the press service of Naftogaz of Ukraine (owns 100% of the shares of Ukrgazvydobuvannya), citing chairman of the board Alexei Chernyshov, reported that the company in August increased its average daily gas production to 36.6 mcm. Daily production in January 2023 was 34.2 mcm, and increased to 34.5 mcm in February. The increase in production is associated with the successful operation of the new gas wells, the head of Naftogaz said.

Later, Chernyshov said that for the first time Ukraine will get through the upcoming heating season using only its own gas.

"I would like to remind you that we are increasing the volumes of gas we produce ourselves, and these figures are growing. In 2023, Naftogaz drilled a record number of new wells, and we will continue this trend next year. We plan to get through this winter using Ukrainian gas, and our calculations confirm this is possible," he said.

In 2022, Ukrgazvydobuvannya produced 12.5 bcmof natural gas (commercial), which is 3% less than in 2021.