21 Sep 2023 22:05

Quarter of Russians see themselves as well-off - poll

MOSCOW. Sept 21 (Interfax) - Almost one in four Russians (23%) rate their current financial situation as good, according to the findings of a Public Opinion Foundation poll which was published on the pollster's website on Thursday.

The survey found that the most contented people in this group were aged 18-30. They accounted for over a third of the respondents in this age bracket (38%).

Meanwhile, almost one in five (18%) of Russians said their material situation was bad, with those aged 46-60 (21%) being the most discontented, the pollster said.

More than half of respondents (57%) described their current income as average, with those over 60 making up the largest proportion (61%) of this group.

Two per cent were unable to evaluate their financial situation, the pollster said.

The poll was conducted among 1,500 respondents aged 18 and over in 104 cities and towns across 53 Russian regions on September 7-10, 2023.