19 Sep 2023 16:26

Poland, Hungary and Slovakia refuse to lift the embargo on Ukrainian grain

WARSAW. Sept 19 (Interfax) - Hungary and Slovakia have confirmed their intention to follow Poland's example and maintain their embargo on grain supplies from Ukraine, despite the complaint that Kiev filed with the World Trade Organization, the EFE agency reported on Tuesday.

"Hungary and Slovakia confirmed they are ready to follow in Poland's footsteps," the agency said.

Poland does not plan to lift its ban on Ukraine's grain imports despite Ukraine's complaint, Polish government spokesman Piotr Muller said. "Such a complaint with the WTO has made no impression on us and we do not plan to withdraw from our decision to extend the ban. "We believe that our position is proper as it has been based on an economic analysis as well as our rights stemming from the EU and international law," Muller said.

The European Commission said on September 15 that it had discontinued the restrictions imposed on May 2 this year concerning exports of Ukrainian grain and other foods to the EU. Following this decision Hungary, Poland and Slovakia said they would introduce an embargo on the import of Ukrainian agricultural products on their territory, however transit through these EU countries is still permitted.

It emerged on Monday that Kiev had filed a complaint with the WTO over the decision by the Polish, Hungarian and Slovakian governments to introduce national bans on any imports of a range of agricultural products from Ukraine.