8 Sep 2023 12:37

Polling stations open in 54 regions of Russia - elections commission head

MOSCOW. Sept 8 (Interfax) - Polling stations have opened in 54 Russian constituent territories for three-day elections of various levels, Russian Central Elections Commission (CEC) Chair Ella Pamfilova said.

"Polling stations have opened in 54 Russian constituent territories, which have chosen three-day voting. The Russian anthem was played as they opened," Pamfilova said at the CEC information center on Friday.

Early voting began on August 20 and continues in certain regions, Pamfilova said. This is happening in difficult-to-access areas, as well as those far away from polling stations. Twenty-nine regions of Russia vote early this year.

Early voting has also been organized for ship crews in three regions of Russia, namely, the Primorye Territory and the Magadan and Sakhalin regions, Pamfilova said. More than 5,000 crewmembers have cast their ballots at 259 ship-based polling stations, she said.

Election campaigns of various levels are taking place in Russia on September 8-10, 2023. Over 4,000 campaigns are in progress in 85 constituent territories. Over 33,000 deputies and officials are due to be elected. The number of eligible voters nears 67 million.