Gazprom to invest 13 bln rubles in turbine blade production in Tula region
TULA. July 10 (Interfax) - Gazprom Energoholding Foundry Technologies will build a gas turbine blade manufacturing plant in the Uzlovaya Special Economic Zone in the Tula region, the regional government's press service said.
The agreement was signed at the St. Petersburg International Economic Forum in June. There are plans to invest more than 13 billion rubles in the project and create 514 jobs. "The project will make it possible to cast 34,000 hot gas path elements for industrial and power equipment per year," the press service said.
Work on the plant has already begun. The first turbine blade should come off the line at the end of 2025 with full ramp-up expected in 2027. The plant should meet the Gazprom group's entire needs for turbine blades for industrial and ship engines.
The Tula Region Regional Investment Commission has also approved applications by two more companies for projects in the SEZ. A paints and varnishes plant, an agreement on which was also signed at SPIEF, will be built by Fabrika Kovali LLC. Planned output is up to 137 tonnes per month. More than 500 million rubles will be invested and 55 jobs will be created. In addition, Biosnab will launch a plant to produce up tonnes 15,000 tonnes of quality fish feed from locally sourced raw materials for valuable fish species per year a cost of more than 1 billion rubles, creating 90 jobs.
The Uzlovaya SEZ was established in April 2016 and covers 471 hectares. More than 20 residents already operate there. Reports have said there are plans to expand the SEZ to 1,000 hectares.