7 Jun 2023 16:58

EU sending assistance to Ukraine in light of Kakhovka HPP disaster

MOSCOW. June 7 (Interfax) - The European Union has involved its Civil Protection Mechanism to provide assistance to Ukraine following the disaster at the Kakhovka Hydropower Plant (HPP) and is sending necessary equipment and hardware to the country.

While the evacuation of the affected population is taking place, Ukraine has requested international assistance in the form of equipment and hardware for relief efforts from the EU, Ukrainian media outlets said, citing the European Commission.

"In an immediate response, the EU is already channeling aid via its Civil Protection Mechanism thanks to first offers from Germany, Austria and Lithuania. Germany [offered]: 5,000 water filters and 56 generators. Austria: 20 water containers and 10 mud water pumps, which are now on their way to Ukraine. Lithuania and Germany: shelter equipment, including tents, beds and blankets," the European Commission said in a statement.

The EU's Emergency Response Coordination Centre is in direct contact with the Ukrainian emergency services to monitor the exact needs on the ground and is ready to coordinate further assistance for Ukraine based on the emerging needs, the statement said.

"At the same time, the EU's humanitarian office in Ukraine is coordinating with its humanitarian partners to rapidly respond to the needs of those affected by flooding, including by providing food assistance and drinking water," it said.