4 Apr 2023 20:40

Rosselkhoznadzor says anthrax could not spread throughout Russia - head

MOSCOW. April 4 (Interfax) - The Federal Service for Veterinary and Phytosanitary Supervision (Rosselkhoznadzor) does not allow the possibility of the spread of such a disease of animals and humans as anthrax in Russia, an outbreak of which was registered in Russia's Chuvashia in March.

"The disease is known, it cannot spread quickly because we are curbing it quickly," Rosselkhoznadzor head Sergei Dankvert told reporters on Tuesday.

The disease is caused by the fact that owners do not show their livestock to veterinarians, he said.

As reported, during an investigation into an anthrax outbreak in Chuvashia in March, the illegal slaughter of a calf not registered at the veterinary service was uncovered at a private farm. The animal was purchased through an advertisement without veterinary documents. No anthrax vaccination was conducted. There was also no pre-slaughter veterinary and sanitary examination.

People were infected through skin cuts on their hands while processing the carcass.