1 Mar 2023 19:38

Russian AgMin will not revise grain export quota this season

MOSCOW. March 1 (Interfax) - Russia's Agriculture Ministry will not revise its volume quota for grain exports in the current season.

First Deputy Agriculture Minister Oksana Luth made the announcement at a meeting of grain exporters, the ministry's press service said.

The export quota volume established for the period from February 15 through June 30, 2023 is 25.5 million tonnes. By the start of the period, the grain exported this agricultural year had already reached 35 million tonnes, Russia's Federal Customs Service said. Therefore, the target indicator for the whole season is approximately 60 million tonnes, which will allow for the creation of necessary reserves and guarantee the country's food security, the ministry said.

The ministry may also consider redistributing quota volumes from companies that do not choose them in favor of more intensive exporters. This might be done following analysis of data on the use of quotas for February-April, Luth said.

The meeting also touched on the issue of shipping grain. Luth said exporters need to develop their own freight car fleet. This would enable them to increase shipping volumes and not depend on how busy existing infrastructure is. Subsidized loans to purchase railcars are available to carriers to stimulate this process.