27 Feb 2023 10:49

Ukrgasvydobuvannya receives over 62 tonnes of equipment from Sweden

MOSCOW. Feb 27 (Interfax) - The Ukrainian Energy Ministry has forwarded to the Ukrgasvydobuvannya company from Swedish partners a batch of power equipment weighing over 62 tonnes in total, including powerful generators and electricity storage units, Ukrainian media outlets said on Saturday, citing the ministry's pages on social networks.

"We would like to thank Sweden for its constant assistance to the energy sector of Ukraine. The donated equipment is crucial at this moment, it will facilitate stable operation of gas production facilities and help in the restoration of the energy infrastructure," Energy Minister German Galushchenko said.

Sweden has actively supported Ukraine in the restoration of facilities of the energy infrastructure and has donated over 665 tonnes of power equipment and materials since the beginning of the crisis, the ministry said.