3 Feb 2023 09:36

Red Wings opens maintenance base for Superjet 100 at Zhukovsky

MOSCOW. Feb 3 (Inter fax) - Red Wings has opened its first hangar to provide maintenance to Superjet 100 airplanes at a base in the Moscow region's Zhukovsky International Airport (ZIA), the company's spokesperson told reporters.

From February, maintenance services will be provided to such airplanes under A-check forms. It is planned to expand the scope of works under C-check forms later in the second half of this year, as new competences will be obtained for providing maintenance and repairs on components most needed for the jets operated on a regular basis. Such components include chassis, brakes, cabin interior, and catering equipment, the Red Wings spokesperson said. The hangar can service two airplanes simultaneously, he said.

Previously, firms controlled by Irkut Corporation , the aircraft maker, and Tulpar Technic were providing maintenance for Superjet 100s operated by Red Wings.

"The provision of maintenance to aircraft with our own resources, starting from the A-check form and above will allow for a maximally swift completion of maintenance works, reducing the idling time for the aircraft," the Red Wings spokesperson quoted director Yevgeny Solodilin as saying.

Red Wings is the second largest operator of Superjet 100 airplanes: there are currently 19 jets of this type in the company's fleet. Apart from them, the airline operates passenger services using three Boeing 777 jets, according to FlightRadar 24.