Women account for nearly half of unemployed in Russia - Duma committee head
MOSCOW. Jan 23 (Interfax) - Women in Russia account for about 50% of the unemployed, Nina Ostanina, head of the Russian State Duma Committee for Family, Women's, and Children's Affairs, said on Monday.
"If you take our economy, women's unemployment is currently 49.4%, or at least this figure is indicated in the national strategy," Ostanina said at the committee's roundtable meeting dealing with legislative support for the 2023-2030 national strategy of action in the interests of women and proposals for a plan of measures toward its implementation.
It usually takes women about seven months to find a job, which is significantly longer than men, she said.
A presentation shown by Ostanina said that about 77.9 million women are currently living in Russia, which is more than half of its entire population, and their average life expectancy is 78.2 years.
Women account for 82.4% of the employees in the Russian education sector and 79.8% in the healthcare and social services sector, the presentation said.