18 Jan 2023 16:46

Finnish Foreign Ministry temporarily closes consular office in Murmansk

BRUSSELS. Jan 18 (Interfax) - The Finnish Foreign Ministry announced on Wednesday that it is temporarily closing the Murmansk Office of its consulate general in Russia's St. Petersburg, as it sees no point in its services at the moment.

"The Ministry for Foreign Affairs has decided to temporarily close the Murmansk Office, which operates under the Consulate General in St. Petersburg," the Finnish Foreign Ministry said in a statement on Wednesday.

The decision implies that the office would suspend its operations until further notice.

"The Ministry for Foreign Affairs estimates that at present Finland does not need an office in Murmansk due to a significant decrease in the office's core tasks. The office may be reopened later, if necessary," it said.

The establishment is preparing for closing, and its client office has already halted its operations.

Finland opened the Murmansk Office of its Consulate General in 1992.