12 Jan 2023 15:39

Estonia planning to expand its maritime zone in addition to territorial waters - FM

TALLINN. Jan 12 (Interfax) - Bills are being drafted to expand Estonia's maritime zone in addition to territorial waters, Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu said.

"The Convention on the Law of the Sea allows states to declare additional maritime zones where additional control can be exercised. Such additional zones may reach up to 24 nautical miles from territorial waters, and most countries of the Baltic Sea have established them to date," Reinsalu said at a government press conference on Thursday.

The government will task the foreign and defense ministries with considering the possible establishment of maritime zones together with other ministries and drafting respective bills if the answer is affirmative, he said.

Other countries will be informed about the expansion of the maritime zone, in addition to the territorial sea, consistent with the convention, Reinsalu said.