11 Jan 2023 15:26

Ukraine intends to ramp up agricultural exports to African countries - ministry

MOSCOW. Jan 11 (Interfax) - Ukraine is making as much effort as it can to continue exports of the necessary amounts of foodstuffs to African countries and is considering the implementation of new logistical projects in Senegal to step up exports of its agricultural produce via the Port of Dakar.

Ukrainian Agrarian Policy and Food Minister Nikolai Solsky visited Senegal, where he signed a memorandum of understanding between the Ukrainian ministry and the relevant Senegalese agency on January 9, Ukrainian media have reported with reference to the Agrarian Policy and Food Ministry website on Tuesday.

The document envisions the development of bilateral trade in agricultural produce and cooperation on scientific studies, investments, and interrelations between Ukrainian and Senegalese government agencies and private companies.

It also provides for the possible storage of Ukrainian grain at so-called grain hubs. Ukraine is willing to export not only foodstuffs but also other goods to African countries, which requires the development of logistical infrastructure, Solsky said.