Ukraine sees itself as EU's reliable partner in green energy - Zelensky after meeting with Timmermans
MOSCOW. Jan 10 (Interfax) - Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky met with the European Commission's Executive Vice-President for the European Green Deal Frans Timmermans in Kiev on Monday.
Zelensky said at the meeting that during its reconstruction, Ukraine will be focusing on the implementation of green projects and stands ready to become a European hub of modern green energy, according to the presidential press service.
"We have to decide what power generation in Ukraine should be, what independent power generation should be in Europe in the future [...] We see ourselves as a reliable partner in green energy," he said.
Zelensky thanked Timmermans for an initiative to start a strategic partnership between the European Union and Ukraine in the field of renewable gases.
The Ukrainian president also briefed the European official on the state of Ukraine's energy system.
Video footage circulated by the Ukrainian president's press service on social media shows Zelensky telling Timmermans that Ukraine could become a hydrogen hub for the EU.
"We stand ready to be a normal, understandable and reliable partner for the EU in the field of hydrogen production. We are ready to become a hub for its production. We have everything that is needed for that: territory, capabilities, human resources," Zelensky said.