27 Dec 2022 17:17

Russia to boost gas exploration in country's east in order to boost supplies to Asian partners - natural resources minister

MOSCOW. Dec 27 (Interfax) - Russia is ramping up geological prospecting and exploration of hydrocarbons, of gas, in particular, in the east of the country in order to ensure an increase in supplies of gas to Asian partners, Russian Natural Resources and Environment Minister Alexander Kozlov said in an interview with the Rossiya 24 television channel.

"We have set a priority for ourselves in geological prospecting and exploration and in aiding the search for mineral resources, particularly hydrocarbons, to be geographically closer to future consumers and transport infrastructure. For example, the Power of Siberia pipeline, gas from which goes to China. We have made the decision to carry out geological exploration throughout Yakutia and to do everything to [understand the production potential] in relation to hydrocarbons, particularly with gas, to be known. So that there's not one, but more pipelines going in the eastern direction. Because this is guaranteed revenue for our country, guaranteed sales to a major partner," Kozlov said.