12 Dec 2022 10:14

Net outflow from Ukraine up to 18,000 persons this week - State Border Guard Service

MOSCOW. Dec 12 (Interfax) - Departures from Ukraine across the western border decreased week-on-week by approximately 6,000 to 243,000 persons on December 3-6, while arrivals dipped by roughly 8,000 to 225,000, the Ukrainian media quoted the State Border Guard Service as saying on a social media.

The outflow from Ukraine intensified again over the week and reached 18,000, as against 16,000 the week before, and 10,000 and 8,000, respectively, over the past two weeks, the service said.

According to the border guards, the number of cars crossing the Ukrainian western border went down from 134,000 to 132,000 over the week, while the number of cleared humanitarian trucks grew from 510 to 524.

The Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees estimates the number of people who left Ukraine amid the conflict as of December 6 at 16.088 million, including 8.04 million who left for Poland, 2.852 million for Russia (as of October 3), 1.854 million for Hungary, 1.624 million for Romania, 985,300 for Slovakia, 714,600 for Moldova, and 16,700 for Belarus.

The UN said that 8.31 million people arrived in Ukraine between February 28 and December 6 (which does not include information about arrivals from Hungary, Russia and Belarus).