2 Dec 2022 13:11

Snowden gets Russian passport - lawyer Kucherena

MOSCOW. Dec 2 (Interfax) - Edward Snowden, former officer of the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency and National Security Agency, has received a Russian passport, Snowden's lawyer Anatoly Kucherena told Interfax.

"Edward received the passport of Russian citizen yesterday and took the respective oath in accordance with the law," Kucherena said.

As to how the American feels about it, Kucherena said, "Of course, he is glad, he thanks the Russian Federation for naturalization. He has become a full-fledged citizen of Russia. Most importantly, he cannot be extradited to a foreign country, in accordance with the Russian constitution."

Snowden's wife is also planning to receive Russian citizenship, Kucherena said. "We are gathering the necessary documents to file for citizenship. I think the process won't take too long," he said.

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Order on Naturalization by the Russian Federation and Withdrawal from Citizenship of the Russian Federation in late September. In particular, the order gave Russian citizenship to Snowden.

Back in 2013, Snowden leaked information about worldwide surveillance conducted by U.S. security services. The leaks triggered a broad public response. Snowden was charged with espionage and theft of public property by a U.S. court in absentia. He fled, first to Hong Kong and then to Russia.