29 Nov 2022 10:26

Kudrin tenders resignation as Russian Accounts Chamber head to president

MOSCOW. Nov 29 (Interfax) - Russian Accounts Chamber head Alexei Kudrin has said on Telegram that he handed in a letter of resignation from his post to President Vladimir Putin.

"In total, I have been serving in the public sector for about 25 years. Now I would like to focus on large projects, which are linked to the development of private initiatives in a broad sense, but, at the same time, have a considerable effect on people. That is why, I am leaving the post of Accounts Chamber chairman. I handed in a letter of resignation to the president of the Russian Federation in due course," Kudrin said.

According to information which has not been confirmed officially yet, after resigning from the public service, Kudrin will take a post in the new structure of Yandex , which will be restructured and will be split into a Russian division and a foreign one. A number of sources told Interfax that the job offer that was discussed with Kudrin is the post of chairman of the board of directors in Yandex Group's new Russian structure.