24 Nov 2022 20:25

Russian govt not planning to restrict import of seedlings into country

MOSCOW. Nov 24 (Interfax) - The Russian government is not planning to restrict the import of seedlings into the country but, nevertheless, domestic developments should be used more actively, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Viktoria Abramchenko said at the First Russian Winemaking Forum in Moscow on Thursday.

"Some capacity [for import] should still exist. And, figuratively, if a foreign vine is needed for good-quality grapes and a good-quality wine, and if an imported breeding material is needed in animal husbandry, then, of course, it should remain. There will be no restrictive decisions which could harm the industry," she said.

She said that even the food security doctrine envisages some import capacity.

Nevertheless, Russian developments must be used more actively in this sector, she said. "It is important that science and business collaborate. It is impossible to put scientific developments on a shelf and refrain from using them. I would like the Agriculture Ministry and the Science Ministry to work on this project with winemakers more actively," she said.

A total of 8.3 million seedlings were imported to Russia in 2019, she said. "Despite difficulties with settlements and logistics, over 15 million seedlings were imported" in 2022, she said.