4 Oct 2022 13:05

Share of domestic products in Russian radio electronics sector expected to top 20% by year's end - Industry and Trade Ministry

MOSCOW. Oct 4 (Interfax) - The average share of domestic radio electronic products in Russia, including the state sector and the open market, was 19% at the end of the first half of 2022 and could exceed 20% by the end of the year, Deputy Industry and Trade Minister Vasily Shpak said at the Microelectronics 2022 forum.

"We have managed to significantly raise the share of Russian products, both on the general and the regulated market. Overall on the market our volumes reach about 19% and we intend to maintain this level to the end of the year. We're confident that we'll get over the figure of 20%," Shpak said.

The share is growing thanks to the expansion of the product portfolio and the departure of foreign manufacturers, he said. There are expected to be at least 4,500 items in the registry of domestic products by the end of 2022.

He also said that a program of measures and projects has been prepared to build a full-fledged radio electronics industry.

"There are plans to implement a total of 91 projects, from growing crystals to slicing wafers. Nine projects have already been launched and we plan to launch another 20 projects by the end of the year related to organizing production of equipment needed for the work of the radio electronics industry," Shpak said.

There are also plans to develop special materials needed for manufacturing radio electronics, such as pure materials, acids, gases and so on. There are plans to allocate about 240 billion rubles for these purposes.