23 Aug 2022 11:41

Zelensky: Kyiv Initiative is promising format for work on Euro-Atlantic track

MOSCOW. Aug 23 (Interfax) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky has described the Kyiv Initiative, which is a new negotiation format for countries of Central and Eastern Europe, as a promising avenue for activities on the Euro-Atlantic track.

"Today the new diplomatic and security format, the Kyiv Initiative, was founded. Ukraine's European neighbors are already participating in its work. They are Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and the Baltic states," Ukrainian media quoted Zelensky as saying in his traditional video address on Monday evening.

"We will gradually involve other countries. In the Kyiv Initiative format, the work takes place at the level of foreign policy advisors to the heads of state. From Ukraine, they are Andriy Sybiha and Andriy Yermak," the president said.

"And this format will allow us to strengthen cooperation in the region and joint protection of our interests. This is a very promising line of our work in the Euro-Atlantic direction," Zelensky said.

Head of Zelensky's Office Yermak, in turn, said at a press briefing on Monday that regular consultations will be held as part of this initiative.

"We will hold it in the format of video conference once a month and will also broaden the circle of participants in this initiative," Yermak said.

"This format is viewed as a platform for discussions on shared security challenges facing the region of Central and Eastern Europe," Zelensky's Office said on its website.

The initiative's first document, i.e. recommendations from the Yermak-Rasmussen group regarding security guarantees for Ukraine, is expected to appear before the end of August, Yermak said.

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