25 Jul 2022 22:08

About 160 species, subspecies of animals added to Russian Red Book - natural resources minister

MOSCOW. July 25 (Interfax) - The updated edition of Russia's Red Book includes 158 new endangered animal species and subspecies, Russian Minister of Natural Resources Alexander Kozlov said.

"From the new Red Book, which we updated for the first time in 20 years at the end of last year, 122 species, subspecies, populations were excluded. But 158 new ones have been included. The book now has a total of 443 animals and birds that need protection," Kozlov said at a meeting of Russian President Vladimir Putin with members of the government on Monday.

The Natural Resources Ministry also began drawing up a new version of the Russian Red Book of plants, its reissue is scheduled for 2023, he said.

Additionally, Kozlov invited the president to the opening ceremony of the center for restoring the population of red-listed gyrfalcons in Kamchatka, which will be held in September.

"Two centers for birds of the falcon family were created this year. There are 20 Saker Falcons and Bar-tailed Godwits living in the Dagestani reserve, and 73 Gyrfalcons have settled in the center in Kamchatka, which is supervised by Roscongress. The center is ready for opening, we invite you to the opening in September," the minister said.

The Red Book of Russia contains information on the rarest species of animals and measures to protect them: the list includes species at risk of complete extinction. Additionally, wild plants, mushrooms and representatives of flora of Russia are included there. The latest edition of the official protective list is dated April 2, 2020. The first edition of the Red Book of Russia was published in 1997.