First national ecological fund created in Russia
MOSCOW. May 30 (Interfax) - The first national ecological fund has been created in Russia, the press service for head of the State Duma Committee on Ecology, Natural Resources, and Environment Protection Dmitry Kobylkin told journalists.
"The Compass fund to support and develop ecological initiatives unites all those who aren't indifferent to the environment, from every resident of our country to civil society organizations and business," the press service said.
"This is the first Russian ecological fund, which will be a linchpin between grassroots initiatives and the law, which will help to achieve positive changes in the ecology of our country," Kobylkin said.
"A unique time for our country has come in which our Russian ecological fund is appearing. I'm certain that Compass will unite activists, scientists, and people who simply are not indifferent, will become a reliable ally in environmental activities," head of the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources (Rosprirodnadzor) Svetlana Radionova was quoted as saying by the press service.
The fund's main activities will be to build a system of cooperation in legislative initiatives in the area of ecology, develop science and technology projects, and provide support for public organizations and environmental awareness.
The fund's supervisory board will be fully formed in the near future, the press service said. Kobylkin, Radionova, and representatives of the arts and sciences currently plan to join it.