18 May 2022 09:07

Australia imposes additional restrictions on Russian journalists, civil servants

WASHINGTON. May 18 (Interfax) - Australia has expanded the list of Russian persons and entities placed under restrictions over the events in Ukraine, according to a statement published on the website of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade.

The sanctions have been imposed on Rossiya Segodnya news agency General Director Dmitry Kiselyov, RT Managing Director Alexei Nikolov, VGTRK journalist and presenter Sergei Brilev, Gazprom Media Holding General Director Alexander Zharov, TV presenter Mikhail Leontyev, military correspondents Yevgeny Poddubny, Alexander Kots and Dmitry Steshin, and Director of the Central Museum of the Great Patriotic War Alexander Shkolnik.

The sanctions will also apply to Federal Security Service First Deputy Director Sergei Korolyov, acting Emergency Situations Minister Alexander Chupriyan, and First Deputy Chief of the Russian Armed Forces General Staff Nikolai Bogdanovsky.

There are restrictions on the Wagner private military company and two Belarusian enterprises - Minotor Service and JSC KB Radar.

Former Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada deputies Illia Kyva and Taras Kozak are under sanctions, too.