26 Apr 2022 12:14

Poland imposes sanctions against Gazprom, Novatek, number of other companies, businesspeople

MOSCOW. April 26 (Interfax) - The Polish Interior Ministry has imposed sanctions against Russian gas companies Gazprom and Novatek , as well as the latter's Cracow-based subsidiary Novatek Green Energy Sp. z o.o., the ministry said.

The sanctions against Novatek call for the freezing of assets and the exclusion of its Cracow subsidiary from government procurements.

The sanctions against Gazprom, which owns a 48% stake in STG EuRoPol GAZ SA, a Polish company that is a co-owner of the Yamal-Europe gas pipeline, call for freezing rights to shares and other securities, as well as dividends.

According to the ministry's decisions, dated April 15 and published on the government's website on Tuesday, Poland also introduced sanctions against a whole range of Russian businesspeople and companies affiliated with them, including individuals and companies that are not on the sanctions lists of the U.S., the European Union and the United Kingdom.

Alongside Oleg Deripaska, Mikhail Fridman, Igor Sechin, Mikhail Gutseriev and Sait-Salam Gutseriev, Andrei Melnichenko and Alexandra Melnichenko, Alexei Mordashov, Vyacheslav Kantor, and Viktor Vekselberg, the Polish sanctions list includes Wildberries marketplace owner Tatyana Bakalchuk, Kaspersky Lab founder Eugene Kaspersky, 1C founder Boris Nuraliyev, and leader of the Russian State Duma's New People faction and Faberlic cosmetics company founder Alexei Nechayev.

The companies targeted by the Polish sanctions including Akron, PhosAgro, Kamaz, Kaspersky Lab, and divisions of Severstal, EuroChem, Wildberries, SUEK, Sulzer, Faberlic, etc.