Lavrov says hoping special operation ends with signing of comprehensive documents on security, Ukraine's neutral status
MOSCOW. March 19 (Interfax) - Moscow hopes that the special operation in Ukraine will end with the signing of comprehensive documents on security and Ukraine's neutral status, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said on Saturday.
"We have announced the objectives we are currently pursuing. As for the internal Ukrainian dialogue, after all, it will be the Ukrainian business when the operation is over. I hope it will end with the signing of comprehensive documents on the matters I have mentioned, such as security, the neutral status of Ukraine with the guarantee of its security - the president said a couple of months back when he was commenting on our initiatives with regard to the non-enlargement of NATO, he said we realized that every country needs security guarantees, and we are ready to consider security guarantees and to agree on such guarantees for Ukraine, for Europeans and, of course, for ourselves, outside of the framework of enlargement of the North Atlantic Alliance," Lavrov told finalists of the international stage of the Leaders of Russia competition.
"That's the reason for the neutral status, security guarantees and, of course, laws must be brought into a civilized form. This applies to the Russian language, Russian-language education, Russian-language media outlets, laws abetting nazification of the country, and the adoption of a law to ban that. Such laws exist in a number of European countries, including Germany. That's about it," Lavrov said.