Declarations of sanctioned officials not to be published - bill
MOSCOW. March 5 (Interfax) - Information on revenues, property and property obligations provided by people working in state and other positions will not be published on the Internet, according to a bill submitted to the State Duma.
The document has been published in the parliament's electronic database. The author of the bill is Deputy Vladislav Reznik.
"The bill had to be drafted to prevent the possibility of the use of information publicly disclosed by bodies of state and municipal authority, state corporations and other organizations exercising public functions, under the legislation on corruption prevention by unfriendly states for exerting pressure and (or) influencing the persons providing this information and their family members," according to the memo attached to the bill.
Under the law on corruption prevention, declarations of state servants, public officials, and also declarations of their spouses and underage children must be published. Declarations state data for the previous year.
The author of the bill believes that the proposed legislation will not obstruct the anti-corruption policies of the state as there is an obligation to prepare and submit declarations to the employer. "Control over the accuracy and fullness of the data submitted will still be exercised in full by bodies of state authority and organizations, as well as law enforcement bodies in accordance with the current rules," the memo said.