28 Feb 2022 19:13

Piskaryov proposes penalties for misrepresenting Russian military goals and role in special operations

MOSCOW. Feb 28 (Interfax) - The head of the Duma security and anti-corruption committee, Vasily Piskaryov, has proposed legal changes which would call for punishment for misleading information regarding the Russian military's actions and its role in special operations.

"Two years ago we additionally imposed liability for spreading knowingly false socially-significant information regarding the pandemic. I think these same articles can now be extended with a clause on liability for distorting the goal, role and objectives of Russia's Armed Forces and other formations during special military and other operations," Piskaryov was quoted by the committee's press service as saying on Monday.

The committee will study instances of such misinformation, which are many, including as to the number of losses, he said.

"It is clear that most of them are generated in Ukraine. Nevertheless, they are being willingly circulated by a whole host of Russian media outlets and social media users. The security and anti-corruption committee is now analyzing this information," Piskaryov said.

The initiative will be discussed with the Duma defense committee and all party factions, and, if supported, a relevant bill will be drafted, he said.

The solution has to be legislative, he said.

"Such fakes demoralize society, undermine trust in the Russian Army and security agencies, and the main thing is, they deal a huge blow to fighters' families and friends," Piskaryov said.