22 Dec 2021 14:16

There is good chance of reinstating Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action - Lavrov

MOSCOW. Dec 22 (Interfax) - Moscow believes there is a good chance of reinstating the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said.

"I believe we have a good chance. It is important to remember that the principle on the basis of which the work is being done and which is supported by everyone says that nothing is deemed to be coordinated until everything is coordinated. So, there is need for the right, well considered package, and this is quite realistic," Lavrov said in an interview with RT on Wednesday.

"I'd rather not dramatize anything. Indeed, the Iranian team is new but they studied the materials in a fast and professional manner and drafted proposals, which some Western participants rejected at first and but later admitted that they had the right to exist and to be studied, and the work is progressing smoothly," Lavrov said.

The problems were not with the essence but with the image, as to who - the United States or Iran - should be the first to declare the resumption of obligations, he said.

Moscow and Beijing called for synchronizing those steps, Lavrov said.

"This is what the negotiators are doing in Vienna. They have taken a brief pause for Christmas but the talks will resume before the end of the year," he said.