18 Aug 2020 11:58

Belarusian opposition views Lukashenko's statement on elections possible after adoption of new Constitution as trick

MINSK. Aug 18 (Interfax) - The Belarusian opposition does not trust President Alexander Lukashenko's promise of new elections, a representative of the staff of Belarusian presidential candidate Viktor Babariko said.

"We have been hearing various sorts of promises from Lukashenko over the past 26 years. Unfortunately, these are just words, they are empty and there is nothing behind them. They have never been kept. So, we view this promise, just like others, as a mere trick and an attempt to stay in power at any cost," Babariko staff press secretary Gleb Germanchuk told Interfax.

The opposition claimed that the Central Elections Commission did not offer to recount votes after the election.

"On day one, we were trying to establish at least minimal contact and dialogue with the authorities; however, they rejected any dialogue mechanisms, let alone a recount of votes," Germanchuk said.

Lukashenko said earlier that he had offered the opposition to recount votes but the opposition rejected the offer and insisted on holding new elections.

He also said that Belarus would hold new elections after the adoption of the new Constitution.