3 Jun 2020 18:11

Russian economic operators ready to resume work in Libya after situation there normalizes - Russian Foreign Ministry

MOSCOW. June 3 (Interfax) - Russian Foreign Minister Segrei Lavrov has said at a meeting with a delegation from Libya's Government of National Accord that Russian economic operators are ready to resume their work in the country after the situation there normalizes.

"When discussing the problems surrounding Russian-Libyan relations, Lavrov confirmed Russian economic operators are ready to resume their work in Libya after the military-political situation there normalizes," the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement published on its website following the meeting.

The Libyan side was once again notified of the need for the quickest possible and unconditional release of Russian citizens Maxim Shugalei and Samer Seifan, who were arrested in Tripoli in May 2019, the statement said.

"It was stressed that the Russian citizens' presence in a prison in Tripoli is currently the main obstacle to the step-by-step development of mutually beneficial bilateral cooperation," it said.