6 May 2020 10:52

Russia identifies over 10,500 new Covid-19 cases (+6.8%), 86 deaths in past 24 hours - HQ

MOSCOW. May 6 (Interfax) - The daily growth in Covid-19 cases has been exceeding 10,000 in Russia for the fourth day in a row, and the cumulative number of cases (more than 165,900) has brought Russia close to Germany and France in the global coronavirus chart.

"Over the past day, Russia detected 10,559 new coronavirus cases in 82 regions, including 4,314 active asymptomatic cases (40.9%)," the coronavirus response headquarters said in a statement on Wednesday.

By now, Russia has recorded 165 929 coronavirus cases (+6.8%) in 85 regions. According to the John Hopkins University, Germany has reported 167,000 Covid-19 cases, and France has reported 169,600 as of this moment.

Moscow identified 5,858 new cases over the day, bringing the total number to 85,973 (+7.3%).

Eighty-six coronavirus patients died in Russia in the past 24 hours, including 50 in Moscow. The death toll has thus risen to 1,537.

A total of 1,462 patients were discharged from hospitals upon recovery in the past 24 hours, including 588 in Moscow. The recovery rate has reached 21,327.