23 Apr 2020 14:46

No plans to ban Zoom in Russia for now - communications ministry

MOSCOW. April 23 (Interfax) - Russia is not planning to ban the Zoom videoconference platform at the moment, although there are questions related to its security, Russian Minister of Digital Development, Communications, and Mass Media Maksut Shadayev said.

"It's clear that we aren't following a path of restrictions, but we should give teachers and students the opportunity to use a convenient and safe tool. In this case, until we launch it at full capacity, we certainly won't be banning anything," Shadayev said at a press conference on Thursday.

Shadayev said that his ministry together with the Education Ministry has already begun designing a platform for videoconferencing on the basis of the school videoconferencing systems used during the Unified State Exam.

"On the basis of this platform, we're currently assessing several major domestic solutions in order to offer an accessible and safe service to all," he said.

At the same time, schools can now use the services that are available to them, Shadayev said.

"This concerns videoconferences, webinars, etc. Of course, every school can use the tools that are available today," he said.