1 Apr 2020 15:32

Rosatom reports four confirmed cases of coronavirus; one in Hungary, three within Rosenergoatom

MOSCOW. April 1 (Interfax) - Rosatom has reported four confirmed cases of the coronavirus, with one in Hungary and three within JSC Rosenergoatom, the state nuclear corporation's CEO Alexei Likhachev said in the company's corporate publication, Strana Rosatom.

"Colleagues, today we have four confirmed cases of the disease. One of them is abroad, in Hungary. A Hungarian citizen is reported to have contracted the coronavirus. The person is an employee of Ganz, an Atomenergomash subsidiary. The employee did not come into contact with any Russian citizens," Likhachev said.

"There are three sick people inside the country; each person works for Rosenergoatom; two in Moscow. One of them contracted the coronavirus while on vacation, did not go to work and did not come into contact with coworkers. The second sick employee works in Rosenergoatom's central office, and the employee's managers promptly took all the necessary measures and disinfected the premises," the CEO said.

"I will dwell on the third case a bit more. It was reported in the town of Zarechny in the Sverdlovsk Region, in our nuclear city. So far, this is the only confirmed fact of the coronavirus in our cities. An employee of the Beloyarsk nuclear power plant fell ill; now the employee and spouse are being treated in Yekaterinburg. Everyone with whom the employee came into contact has been quarantined. To ensure the continuity of the plant's work, we took strict measures and isolated the entire operational staff working in the unit control room. All employees of the five duty shifts now live in a healthcare center, separate from their families. They arrive at the station in special vehicles. Of course, everyone received medical care from the Federal Medical and Biological Agency," Likhachev said.