30 Jul 2009 19:55

Quotations for Russian Eurobonds

Dealer Date of issue
31.03.10 24.07.18 24.06.28 31.03.30
ING Bank
- 139.925 145.867 100.341
- 143.925 146.367 100.441
Credit Suisee EM
102.250 142.500 144.750 99.813
103.250 143.500 145.750 100.063
RZB Austria
101.990 140.750 144.250 100.220
102.990 141.750 146.750 100.590
Banif Investimento
102.430 139.498 145.223 100.187
102.850 140.664 146.250 100.462
BNP Paribas London
102.000 135.500 145.000 100.250
103.000 141.500 147.000 100.380
average bid 102.168 139.635 145.018 100.162
average ask 103.023 142.268 146.423 100.387
change bid -0.07% -0.84% 0.12% 0.16%
change ask -0.06% -0.54% 0.14% 0.16%

Changes in average bid and ask prices

are compared with similar time of previous trading day