Russia's AtomStroyExport preparing Czech NPP bid
MOSCOW. Aug 20 (Interfax) - Russian power engineering concern CJSC AtomStroyExport (ASE) has started to draft its bid for a tender for the right to build two generating units at the Temelin nuclear power plant in the Czech Republic, the company said.
ASE plans to bid in consortium with Czech and European companies. "We expect to involve Czech industry as much as possible and to work closely with local contractors," ASE's first vice president, Timur Ivanov, was quoted as saying.
Czech power firm CEZ announced the tender on August 3. Sergei Kiriyenko, the chief of Russia's state nuclear energy corporation Rosatom, has said Russia would be bidding at the tender.
The Temelin plant already operates two Russian-designed VVER-1000 reactors, capacity of 1 gigawatt each, commissioned in 2002-2003.