17 Sep 2009 09:57

Russia reduces investments in US Treasuries in July to level of year

WASHINGTON. Sept 17 (Interfax) - In July 2009, Russia reduced its investments in US Treasuries from $120 billion as of the end of June to $118 billion, according to information provided by the U.S. Federal Reserve.

Therefore, this indicator is near the level of the year's start at $116.4 billion (end of December) and $119.6 billion (at the end of January).

Russia's largest investment in US Treasures came to $138.4 billion, which was posted in March. As of March 31, Russia had risen to sixth place on the list of the leading investors in US Treasuries, going past Brazil. However, in May, Russia's investment decreased to $124.5 billion, thereby returning the country to seven place.