Massive construction in Far East is anti-crisis measure
RUSSKY ISLAND (Vladivostok). Oct 12 (Interfax) - The Russian Far East needs modern infrastructure not only to host the APEC summit in 2012 but also to develop, Prime Minister Vladimir Putin said at the Monday conference on Russky Island.
He said the conference should concentrate on transport and energy infrastructure.
In the opinion of Putin, who examined several facilities under construction for the APEC summit, "a vast progress had been made."
The massive construction program is an important anti-crisis measure, which "creates tens of thousands of jobs in the construction industry and related sectors," he said.
The Primorye GDP is growing despite the crisis, Putin said. A modern research and education center will be built on Russky Island, which will host the APEC summit and "accommodate students and professors of the Far Eastern Federal University later on," Putin said.