11 Nov 2009 18:52

Belarusian economy down 1% in ten mths

MOSCOW. Nov 11 (Interfax) - Belarusian GDP fell 1% year-on-year in constant prices in January-September 2009, the official statistics agency Belstat said.

GDP was 111.9 trillion Belarusian rubles in current prices.

The GDP deflator was 106.2%.

GDP decline has accelerated: the economy fell 0.3% in January-September 2009.

GDP was 128.8 trillion rubles in current prices in 2008. The economy grew 10% in constant prices in 2008, 8.2% in 2007 and 10% in 2006.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) expects the Belarusian economy to decline by 1.2% in 2009 and grow 1.8% in 2010.