30 Nov 2009 15:04

Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port boosts net profit 95.7% in 9 mths

MOSCOW. Nov 30 (Interfax) - Novorossiysk Commercial Sea Port boosted net profit 95.7% in January-September 2009 to $208 million, the company said in a statement.

Revenue rose 4.2% to $508 million.

The biggest change in revenue was due to shifts in the structure of cargo turnover, which provided a $53.3-million boost to revenue, mainly from a near doubling of grain handling (primarily utilizing capacity of Novorossiysk Grain Terminal), addition of over two million tonnes of iron ore handling and a 1-million tonne increase in diesel fuel shipments at the IPP terminal.

The EBITDA figures have been adjusted for exchange rate gains and losses on assets and liabilities in order to make the annual figures more comparable.

Key indicators for NCSP in January-September 2009 ($ '000):

Indicator Jan-Sept 2009 Jan-Sept 2008 Change, %
Revenue 508 238 487 560 4.2%
Gross profit 338 615 222 067 52.5%
Operating profit 299 684 172 481 73.7%
Adjusted EBITDA (management financials) 353 959 266 336 32.9%
Financial expenses 24 204 29 039 -16.7%
Net profit 208 084 106 335 95.7%
Investment (management financials) 55 434 89 838 -38.3%
Net debt (management financials) 196 146 443 069 -55.7%
Cargo turnover (mln tonnes) 65,22 60,34 8.1%